The highest German school leaving certificate.
A process which ensures the quality of courses at a university.
The decision by a university on whether you are admitted as a student.
Criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to be admitted to a course.
An institution at a university that is responsible for the application process, the admission of students and their enrolment.
Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency)
A German public authority that helps job seekers find work.
An institution of the German Embassy.
Applicants that share a similar background, such as a similar educational background or the same citizenship.
The last date on which an application is possible.
An exam in which you prove your suitability for a specific course of study.
A database you can use to find out how your certificate will be evaluated in Germany.
International bank identifier code
The standard degree awarded after undergraduate studies at a university.
A chronological list of all previous activities.
Proof from your current university confirming that you are still eligible to take exams in the degree programme.
Certificate of enrolment ("Immatrikulations-Bescheinigung")
A certificate in which your university attests that you are enrolled as a student.
Certificate of removal from the register of students ("Exmatrikulations-Bescheinigung")
A certificate in which your former university attests that you are no longer enrolled as a student there.
Translation by a person or institution authorised to make translations under oath or admissible in court.
A public institution in German cities.
An emblem that symbolises a state, a city or a family.
An institution’s certificate confirming registration for an exam or a course.
Half a year at a university in which you study a specific course.
A translator who has taken an oath at a court.
An organization which assists the international exchange of students and scientists.
A test of your German language skills which you can take in many countries after several years of learning German at school.
German language exam for university entrance.
An earlier, classical academic degree in Germany in certain subjects.
A certificate proving that you have reached a specific educational level.
A document issued in addition to your university certificate.
A procedure by which study places in popular programmes are allocated using the service portal hochschulstart.de.
System to accredit studies completed in other European countries.
Here: A collective term for certificates from schools and universities.
A seal which creates a relief image on paper.
An exam testing your knowledge and abilities.
A time period after the regular application deadline during which you can add documents to your application.
Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences)
A type of university in Germany.
Feststellungsprüfung (university qualification exam)
Final exam of the Studienkolleg (preparatory course).
A course at a Studienkolleg which prepares you academically and linguistically for your studies in a specific subject area.
A test to determine if you are qualified for master’s courses in business administration.
A test to determine if you are qualified for master’s or PhD courses.
Overview of the maximum grade and the minimum passing grade for your degree to be awarded.
A person that has successfully completed their education at a university, a Studienkolleg, a school or any other course of education.
International Bank Account Number
English language test accepted worldwide as proof of English proficiency.
An institution at universities that supports international students.
A course of study with an international format.
A course in which you acquire knowledge needed right from the start of your chosen course of study.
Kreisverwaltung (local government)
A public administrative authority for an administrative district ("Landkreis").
Landkreis (administrative district)
An administrative district in Germany, consisting of several municipalities.
A language certificate attests proficiency in a language at a specific level after you have passed an exam.
An official letter in which the university offers you a place in one of their courses.
A letter explaining why you are applying for a specific course of study.
A letter which evaluates you positively and recommends you for your course of study.
Postgraduate studies undertaken after completed undergraduate studies.
Module manuals („Modulhandbuch“)
A document issued by the university that includes all important information about the courses in a study programme.
A person who has the legal authority to certify copies of documents as true copies or signatures as genuine signatures.
A restriction on admission because there are more applicants than available places.
A money transfer in which you pay all fees incurred.
The official confirmation that a copy is identical to the original document.
official stamp or embossed seal of a public authority, a notary or another public institution ("öffentliche Stelle").
An application that you submit entirely online via My assist.
Ortsbürgermeister (local mayor)
The official representing a district or town in a municipality in Germany.
Overview of subjects and grades
Official document recording all the courses you completed, their names and your grades, details about the issuing institution and degree to be awarded.
The administrative office of a church parish.
Preparatory German language course
A special German language course offered by some universities.
A written certificate attesting to language proficiency.
An institution’s confirmation of participation in a course.
The number of semesters set as the standard for completion of a course of study.
Here: A document proving that someone is allowed to live in Germany.
Standardised money transfer procedure in Europe.
The procedure by which universities select qualified candidates.
Form provided by uni-assist for refugees who are missing certificates.
Half a year at a university.
Special study programmes offered to refugees in Germany by German universities.
A specific type of degree for particular courses of study.
A university institution that supplies information on available courses and application criteria.
A visa you can apply for if your application to study at a university has been confirmed, but you have not yet received a letter of admission.
Studienkolleg (preparatory course)
An institution that prepares students, academically and linguistically, for their studies in Germany during a one-year course.
A specific area or branch of an academic field.
A restriction on the subject area in which courses of study may be entered.
Subject studies ("Fachstudium")
The official term for studying a specific subject.
A standardised English language test accepted worldwide as proof of English proficiency.
A standardised test that assesses and serves as proof of qualification for university studies.
A standardised test of German language proficiency: Test of German as a second language
The main administrative centre of a town or municipality.
All courses of study leading up to the first university degree.
An exam taken in addition to the school leaving certificate to qualify you to study at a university.
University entrance qualification (“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”)
A collective term for school and university certificates which qualify the holder to study at a university in Germany.
Your 7-digit uni-assist identification number.
Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD) (preliminary review documentation)
A certificate issued by uni-assist which you submit directly to the university when you apply there.
ZAB (Central Office for Foreign Education)
A central institution for the assessment of non-German educational certificates in Germany.