We assess international educational certificates in a transparent, standardised manner following the specifications issued by the “Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen” (Central Office for Foreign Education – ZAB).
We review course-specific requirements based on the individual specifications given by the individual universities, such as language skills, deadlines and completeness.
The uni-assist portal offers numerous electronic functions such as online application, document management and communication. Documents submitted to uni-assist are scanned and the basic educational data is electronically recorded in a format that can be imported into all common admissions software systems.
uni-assist interfaces with campus management systems and important players like the University Admissions Foundation or the TestDaF institute. We are continually expanding these interfaces.
Not a member?
uni-assist e.V. generally admits all state-run universities. Admission must be requested by the university administration using a form. Non-member universities and selected institutions may participate under special conditions using a cooperation agreement. The board of uni-assist e.V decides on membership and possible forms of cooperation.
Before the uni-assist procedure can be implemented for the first time, a number of technical and exam-related matters need to be resolved. Please allow enough time for this. The time needed for preparation is usually one semester. We recommend introducing the uni-assist procedure with the start of summer or winter semester, as a pilot procedure for selected courses.