University entrance qualification (“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”)

A collective term for school and university certificates which qualify the holder to study at a university in Germany.

Short: "HZB"

This primarily refers to the school leaving certificate which entitles you to begin university studies in your home country. Depending on your home country, your university entrance qualification for German universities may only result from a combination of the school leaving certificate and a University entrance exam and/or specific lengths of university studies in your home country.

Depending on your educational certificates, you may either take up studies in all subjects (general "HZB") or only specific subjects (subject-restricted "HZB").

You may also need to complete a Studienkolleg (preparatory course) prior to taking up studies.

Our database “Check: university admission“ provides you with a first overview on how educational certificates from specific countries are evaluated in Germany.

See also: Studienkolleg (preparatory course), Educational certificates